@article{chen2023quantifying,title={Quantifying uncertainty in spikes estimated from calcium imaging data},author={Chen, Yiqun and Jewell, Sean and Witten, Daniela},journal={Biostatistics},volume={24},number={2},pages={481--501},year={2023},publisher={Oxford University Press},}
More powerful selective inference for the graph fused lasso
@article{chen2023more,title={More powerful selective inference for the graph fused lasso},author={Chen, Yiqun and Jewell, Sean and Witten, Daniela},journal={Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},volume={32},number={2},pages={577--587},year={2023},publisher={Taylor \& Francis},}
Testing for a change in mean after changepoint detection
@article{jewell2022testing,title={Testing for a change in mean after changepoint detection},author={Jewell, Sean and Fearnhead, Paul and Witten, Daniela},journal={Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology},volume={84},number={4},pages={1082--1104},year={2022},publisher={Oxford University Press},}
Inferring spikes from calcium imaging in dopamine neurons
Weston Fleming, Sean Jewell, Ben Engelhard, and 2 more authors
@article{fleming2021inferring,title={Inferring spikes from calcium imaging in dopamine neurons},author={Fleming, Weston and Jewell, Sean and Engelhard, Ben and Witten, Daniela M and Witten, Ilana B},journal={PloS One},volume={16},number={6},pages={e0252345},year={2021},publisher={Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA},}
It’s complicated: characterizing the time-varying relationship between cell phone mobility and COVID-19 spread in the US
Sean Jewell, Joseph Futoma, Lauren Hannah, and 3 more authors
@article{jewell2021s,title={It’s complicated: characterizing the time-varying relationship between cell phone mobility and COVID-19 spread in the US},author={Jewell, Sean and Futoma, Joseph and Hannah, Lauren and Miller, Andrew C and Foti, Nicholas J and Fox, Emily B},journal={Nature Digital Medicine},volume={4},number={1},pages={152},year={2021},publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London},}
A large-scale standardized physiological survey reveals functional organization of the mouse visual cortex
Saskia EJ Vries, Jerome A Lecoq, Michael A Buice, and 9 more authors
@article{de2020large,title={A large-scale standardized physiological survey reveals functional organization of the mouse visual cortex},author={de Vries, Saskia EJ and Lecoq, Jerome A and Buice, Michael A and Groblewski, Peter A and Ocker, Gabriel K and Oliver, Michael and Feng, David and Cain, Nicholas and Ledochowitsch, Peter and Millman, Daniel and Jewell, Sean and others, and},journal={Nature Neuroscience},volume={23},number={1},pages={138--151},year={2020},publisher={Nature Publishing Group US New York},}
Fast nonconvex deconvolution of calcium imaging data
Sean Jewell, Toby Dylan Hocking, Paul Fearnhead, and 1 more author
@article{jewell2019fast,title={Fast nonconvex deconvolution of calcium imaging data},author={Jewell, Sean and Hocking, Toby Dylan and Fearnhead, Paul and Witten, Daniela},journal={Biostatistics},year={2019},}
Somatic mutation detection and classification through probabilistic integration of clonal population information
Fatemeh Dorri, Sean Jewell, Alexandre Bouchard-Côté, and 1 more author
@article{dorri2019somatic,title={Somatic mutation detection and classification through probabilistic integration of clonal population information},author={Dorri, Fatemeh and Jewell, Sean and Bouchard-C{\^o}t{\'e}, Alexandre and Shah, Sohrab P},journal={Communications Biology},volume={2},number={1},pages={44},year={2019},publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London},}
Discussion of ‘Gene hunting with hidden Markov model knockoffs’
@article{jewell2019discussion,title={Discussion of ‘Gene hunting with hidden Markov model knockoffs’},author={Jewell, Sean and Witten, Daniela},journal={Biometrika},volume={106},number={1},pages={23--26},year={2019},publisher={Oxford University Press},}
@article{jewell2018exact,title={Exact spike train inference via L0 optimization},author={Jewell, Sean and Witten, Daniela},journal={The Annals of Applied Statistics},volume={12},number={4},pages={2457},year={2018},}
Atomic spatial processes
Sean Jewell, Neil Spencer, and Alexandre Bouchard-Côté
In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2015
@inproceedings{jewell2015atomic,title={Atomic spatial processes},author={Jewell, Sean and Spencer, Neil and Bouchard-C{\^o}t{\'e}, Alexandre},booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},pages={248--256},year={2015},organization={PMLR},}
Non-linear equity portfolio variance reduction under a mean–variance framework—a delta–gamma approach
@article{jewell2013non,title={Non-linear equity portfolio variance reduction under a mean--variance framework—a delta--gamma approach},author={Jewell, Sean and Li, Yang and Pirvu, Traian A},journal={Operations Research Letters},volume={41},number={6},pages={694--700},year={2013},publisher={Elsevier},}