In this tutorial, we demonstrate how the FastLZeroSpikeInference
package can be used to deconvolve calcium imaging data from a single neuron. All demos require the FastLZeroSpikeInference
package; installation instructions are provided here.
To illustrate the software, we generate a synthetic dataset according to
where $\epsilon_t \sim \mathrm{N}(0, \sigma^2)$ and $c_1 = 1$. The function simulate_ar1
generates data from this model.
sim <- simulate_ar1(n = 10000, gam = 0.95, poisMean = 0.01, sd = 0.15, seed = 1)
The estimate_spikes
function estimates spikes based on the calcium trace, exponential decay parameter $\gamma$, and a tuning parameter $\lambda$. This function solves
if the constraint
parameter is set to false (default), and
if the constraint
parameter is set to true. Here’s an example of the function applied to the previously generated data.
# AR(1) model
fit <- estimate_spikes(dat = sim$fl, gam = 0.95, lambda = 1)
## Call:
## estimate_spikes(dat = sim$fl, gam = 0.95, lambda = 1)
## Output:
## Number of spikes 89
## Settings:
## Data length 10000
## Model type ar1
## Gamma 0.95
## Lambda 1
By default, and to save computation time, the calcium concentration is not automatically estimated. However, the estimate_calcium
function can be used to estimate the calcium concentration based on a prior fit.
# compute fitted values from prev. fit
fit <- estimate_calcium(fit)
Alternatively, both spikes and calcium concentrations can be computed with the estimate_spikes
function with estimate_calcium
parameter set to true.
fit <- estimate_spikes(dat = sim$fl, gam = 0.95, lambda = 1, estimate_calcium = T)
To solve the constrained problem
we set the constraint
parameter to true in the estimate_spikes
function. Consider the following example.
# Constrained AR(1) model
fit <- estimate_spikes(dat = sim$fl, gam = 0.95, lambda = 1, constraint = T, estimate_calcium = T)
## Call:
## estimate_spikes(dat = sim$fl, gam = 0.95, lambda = 1, constraint = T,
## estimate_calcium = T)
## Output:
## Number of spikes 89
## Settings:
## Data length 10000
## Model type ar1-pos-constrained
## Gamma 0.95
## Lambda 1